menggigil karena nyeri bahasa Inggris
- menggigil: aquiver; quavering; shiver; shivered; shivering;
- karena: has by; have by; since; since it is; stand to
- nyeri: ache; pain; tenderness (medicine); nyeri, kenya;
- menggigil: aquiver; quavering; shiver; shivered; shivering; shudder; tremble; trembled; trembling; shake; throb; shuddering; wave; judder; frisson; thrill; didder; rattle; palpitate; quake; quiver; chill; ting
- nyeri: ache; pain; tenderness (medicine); nyeri, kenya; sore; mal; painful; dread; aching; distress; sprained; twisted; hurting; strained
- mudah menggigil: shivery
- perasaan menggigil: the shivers
- yg menggigil: tremulous
- karena: has by; have by; since; since it is; stand to reason; as; because; cos; for; from; in that; in view of; inasmuch as; now; of; on account of; out of; owing to; seeing that; stem; thanks to; through;
- county nyeri: nyeri county
- nyeri bayangan: phantom pain
- nyeri kanker: cancer pain
- nyeri otot: acromegalia; acromegaly; polymyositis; dermatomyositis
- nyeri payudara: breast pain
- nyeri persendian: the bends